Saturday, February 5, 2011

Record Cold

Yes, we have been a part of Arizona history - record breaking cold temps this past week - in the lower 20's. Wouldn't you know it, our heat went out middle of the night a few nights ago - woke up and it was 46 degrees in here. A small technical error on Ernie's part where we ran out of propane which supplements the electric heat at a certain point. We unhooked all systems, pulled in the slides and drove the RV down the street a few miles to get the propane tanks filled.

Ernie went to 'urgent care' on Tuesday - diagnosed with strep throat. Had a mild case as he was feeling better the next day after being put on antibiotics.

Last Saturday we were invited to an impromptou BBQ across the 'street' where we met a few more people from Washington state. We connected with our friends Tary and Wayne from Montana yesterday, had a nice visit and went to dinner at the Mining Camp Restaurant outside of Apache Junction. They will be here thru February so will get together again to attempt a golf game (Tary & Wayne will have to have patience with us).

Ernie back into shorts as of today. I'm not ready for that yet. = Joyce


Sky said...

I hate to say it but thats colder then here! But you will be nice and warm during the day (unlike us)

gail and randy said...

Oh no! Sorry to hear you had strep throat Ernie - you Never get sick! Must be that cold Arizona weather! I've been watching the news and feeling for you. That must have been a rude awakening about the heat going out - brrrrr. Glad you're back in working business. Let's just hope the weather stays warm from here on out. Glad you're meeting some people and getting out some. Take care........

Ron and Diane said...

Glad both you guys are feeling better.
How often do you have fill your propane tanks? Having to unhook everything sound like such a hassle.
Is that Mining Camp Resturant in that ghost town?
The weather sure is crazy, I would have never thought it would every get that cold there. We've had record lows and snow fall and its not over yet (suppose to snow again Tuesday night and Wednesday). Ron says the only thing Alaska has that we don't right now is polar bears (ha), so a friend emailed us a picture of one and told us to put it on a stick in our front yard.
I'm with you Joyce, it has to get pretty warm for me to wear shorts...what a man