Saturday, February 28, 2009

In Lodi Again (But Not Stuck)

Rolled into Lodi California abou 5:30 this evening. It is aboit 64 degrees and feels pretty good. Made a small booboo today and left the fan switch on in the low position in the tow car all day, so we now have a dead battery. As I write this I am waiting for somebody to stop by and jump start it.
We crossed the Siskiyou's this morning with no issues. Temperatures were in the 40's and 50's. Pretty smooth sailing all day today. Tomorrow there is supposed to be some rain here in the morning, but as we head south we will be leaving it behind. We should be somewhere in the Southern California Desert region tomorrow night. Temperatures are expected to be in the mid 80's to low 90's when we get to the Phoenix vicinity on Monday. Did I lose anybody with today's title?
As they say in California, Adios,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Ernie

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