Sunday, February 15, 2009

Anticipating the return of Junior.

For the first time in the last year or so we have a positive sports story in the anticipated return of Ken Griffey Junior. Since we are heading down to Arizona for Spring Training, I will be very dissapointed if the deal doesn't happen. We have tickets for 8 games over a 4 week period with seats 3 or 4 rows from the field. So we should be able to get an up close view of one of the greatest players in the history of baseball!!
We spent some time over the past week investigating the possibility of upgrading to a new 08 motorhome. There are some incredible deals on new 08 coaches due to the current economic mess. Unfortunately, we were not able to get what we felt was a fair trade in for our Pace Arrow, so we are standing pat for now. We may advertise our rig for sale after the Arizona trip and see what happens. We went up to Stanwood on Saturday and pulled the cover off of the motorhome, and fired it up. Everything looks good! I will make an appointment for an oil change next week, and spend a day or two getting it ready to head for the sun!!
We had lunch with Sheila, Keith and the grandkids on Saturday. All are doing well.
Monica and Chandler got their report cards, and both did very good. 3.8 and 3.2 GPA's respectively. Way to go!!
I have no new pictures, so this is all you get. Ernie

1 comment:

Ron and Diane said...

Baseball is sooo much better in person than on TV. You guys have some great seats, your going to have such a good time. Eat an extra hot dog for me (you can't go to a game and not eat a dog), and just seems to taste better at a game and don't get me started talking about Goobers. I can't understand why I gain weight at baseball games.....Diane