Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Almost Christmas

We've been home one week today. It's been very busy with the finishing up of shopping, visiting, parties, etc. Last Saturday was Dick and Linda's annual event that was quite spectacular as usual. We even stayed up into the early morning hours for that one. We don't do that too much anymore.
In 2 days Kristin will be up from Austin for 5 or 6 days. That will add a new wrinkle to the works. But she did promise to help me with the batch of Bock Beer that I brewed back in October just before we left. It's pretty good if I do say so myself!
Saturday is when things really get busy. Our daily schedule is as follows; Saturday we're at Keith and Sheilas, Sunday we're having our Christmas Day open house, Monday we're at Josh and Brynn's, Tuesday we're at Keith and Sheila's again, Wednesday and Thursday is prepare to head south, and Friday we're back on the plane to Phoenix. PHEW!! Hopefully the weather warms up a little more down south for our return, and hopefully the weather stays dry here until we leave. Surprisingly there has been very little rain this month, and none of the other four letter word, snow. This has been the driest December on record. Something's bound to happen. I'll be making a visit to the driving range Thursday morning to attempt to hit a few.
We don't have any pictures to add this time, but we'll make up for it with lots of Christmas pictures next time. Merry Christmas to all.

1 comment:

Ron and Diane said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful and busy Christmas.
Your golf game seems to be coming along really well.
When you guys get back to Arizona and feel your ears burning, it's me, sitting here...cold(hopefully not in snow)wishing I were there.
Merry Christmas and happy New Year...Diane