Tuesday, June 14, 2011


From the flatlands of Nebraska to Cheyenne, Wyoming was our Sunday drive. Our one diversion for the day was a rest stop at Pine Bluffs, Wyoming where there was an archeological dig sponsored by the University of Wyoming. A professor and students have been excavating part of a hillside and found objects dating back tens of thousands of years; a building was put up right over the actual dig site. We found it interesting so spent some time talking to the people interpreting the information.

Yesterday we drove thru some high winds and cool weather. The countryside is unusually green and rivers and creeks are overflowing. Cody, Wyoming was our destination, where we met up with my cousin who lives here. We had dinner together in town and a good visit. It had been at least 10 years since we've seen each other.

Destination today: somewhere in Montana. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

gail and randy said...

WOW! You guys are moving right along! Loved the turtle pictures. You sure are trying out the barbecue - can't wait to hear all the results. What's your estimated day to arrive in Seattle?