Friday, September 18, 2009

A Word From The Home Front

The cat and I have now been on our own for almost 2 weeks. Neither one of us has lost any weight, and we're doing alright. I got a new smoker / Barbecue that I have been playing with. I've cooked on it twice now, and am impressed. Yesterday I put a five pound pork shoulder on about 11:00 a.m., went to the baseball game about 2:00 p.m., and when I got home at 7:00 p.m., the meat was almost done. I gave it another hour, and it was as good as it gets! I'm getting hungry and it's only 10:30 in the morning.
I've spent 3 days with the motorhome getting things done. Tomorrow Keith and Sheila are having some BIG trees cut down, so I will go up in the morning to move the motorhome, and try to stay out of the way. Today I will be hanging out at the house doing laundry, etc. Woo Hoo!!
Unfortunately for Joyce and Kristin, the weather here has definitely been better here than it was for them in France, and so far Italy hasn't been too good either. Hopefully that improves and they get some beach time. They have been having a great time.
Anybody know how to operate a washing machine??????? Ernie


gail and randy said...

You are definitely the grill master! Your smoked pork is to die for! Randy's trying out the Little Chief today, smoking a bunch of salmon. Can't wait. You sure are specializing in 14 inning games at the Mariners - worth it esp. when they win! Lovin' this weather - wish we could ship some to Joyce and Kristin. Talk to you soon.

Ron and Diane said...

Glad you two are doing fine. Wish we were closer, that smoked pork shoulder sounds great.
I wish the weather had been better for Joyce and Kristin, but it sounds like they are still having a good time. The pictures have been great. I look forward to their posts. Can't wait to hear from them again.
Good luck with your chores. I can see it now: the washing machine rocking violently with suds pouring out everywhere(ha)...Diane